Mike Bifulco

Some samples of my work online

This page contains articles, videos, and other references to my work over the years. I'm extremely lucky to be able to say that the nature of some of my work is that it is recorded for the public to see, and that I've made news headlines from time to time (for good reasons!) — there's quite a bit of my work that isn't represented here, too. I'm always happy to talk shop. drop me a line if you'd like to know more!

Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) features for Google Assistant

From my work as a Developer Advocate on the Google Assistant Team - an introduction to SSML features for Google Assistant, and how they can be used in conversational actions. You'll even get a heaping helping of cheesy jokes, straight from my brain to your ears.

Driving a successful launch for Conversational Actions

From Google I/O 2021: In this session, we (I) discuss marketing activities that help users discover and engage with what you’ve built on Google Assistant, as well as some updates to monetization features for Conversational Actions.

VOICE Talks August 2021: Trust the researchers for voice-first UX

As a part of my work as a DevRel lead for Google Assistant, I did a guest segment on VOICE Talks in August of 2021, talking about why UX research for voice-first experiences is so crucial.

JAM Stack, SSGs, and their role in empowering the creator economy

Tools like Eleventy, Hugo, Gatsby, Svelte, and others have given developers a superpower for quickly developing content-driven, easily manageable web properties. It's an exciting frontier for developers who are also content creators, but for non-technical creators, our favorite toolchains can feel like a labyrinth of indecipherable choices.

In this talk, we'll discuss our role in promoting the creator economy. We'll talk about the opportunity we have as developers in helping to democratize content creation for everyone, and the importance of creating a more robust, archival internet.

Check out the slides

Push dynamic shortcuts to Assistant

From my work as a Developer Advocate on the Google Assistant team, this tutorial explains the difference between shortcuts and dynamic shortcuts for Android, and how to use Assistant to take advantage of this functionality.

How to create your first App Action

A brief, 2-minute Demo from Google I/O 2021: learn how to create your first App Action for an Android app, which lets you connect your app's features to Google Assistant

New Transaction Features for Smart Displays

A quick demo from Google I/O 2021: we take a look at some user experience (UX) changes for card verification code (CVC) confirmation and new payment method entry for payments on smart screens.

What the Heck is a Fullstack Developer? Aquent UK

Article screenshot: What the Heck is a Fullstack Developer? Aquent UK blog

An interview with my former employer (and parent company of Gymnasium), Aquent about my thoughts on what it means to be a Fullstack Developer.

Description from the article:

To shed light onto what is for many a mysterious role—Full Stack Developer—we talked to our own Star of the Full Stack, Mike Bifulco. Currently the Director of Technology for Aquent Gymnasium, he was previously a User Experience Lead and Program Manager at Microsoft.

Full article is available to read on Aquent UK's blog.

Proximity Acquires SMPL Software

A screenshot from a press release announcing proximity acquiring smpl

In early 2020, smpl was acquired by Proximity. I was cofounder and CEO of smpl - we proudly helped independent coworking spaces manage their communities with automated billing, invoicing, and community management. It was a wild ride, and I couldn't have done it without my two amazing cofounders.

We were acquired by our biggest competitor, Proximity, who are continuing the dream by creating a network of amazing, independently owned coworking spaces around the world.

Read the press release about the acquisition to find out more.

There is another (paywalled) article on Business Insider about the acquisition, too!

More about smpl on Crunchbase.

Tools we used to build smpl:

Matter - a whole thing about design

Cover slide: MATTER - a whole thing about design

From a talk I gave at my then-home-base Hygge Coworking at a community event. The thesis: we're all designers, and you should give a damn about the things you put into the world.

Slides are available on slideshare.

Publishing Your First GitHub Pages Website - Gymnasium Take 5

From my days working as Technical Director of thegymnasium.com: a 5-minute tutorial (lovingly referred to as a Take 5) showing how you can use GitHub pages to host your very own website.

The full tutorial (with additional reference material) is available for free on The Gymnasium

Gymnasium is a treasure - if you like this, get yourself a free account at thegymnasium.com/register, and start learning at your own pace today!

Lightning Talk: The Perils of Obedience

title slide: The Perils of Obedience, by Mike Bifulco

These are slides from a lightning talk I gave at a local conference in 2018.

I explain the Milgram Experiment, how absolutely terrifying it is, and how understanding Cognitive Psychology and Social Sciences can help us make the world a better place.

I also implore the audience to go register to vote. turbovote.org. Go do it!

Slides available on Slideshare if you're interested in perusing.

Design Matters, Hygge Zero day

title slide: Design Matters, Hygge Zero day

These are slides from an empassioned talk I gave about design during a community event called Zero Day at Hygge Coworking in Charlotte, NC, USA.

The thesis: good design is important, and you should be paying attention to good-and-bad design in the world around you. Contributing to making the world better for everyone is everyone's job.

Slides are available on SlideShare

50 Most Powerful startups in Charlotte

Screenshot: 50 Most powerful startups in Charlotte article by Axios Charlotte

I was cofounder and CEO of smpl, a SaaS startup helping independent-scale coworking operators automate their business. We were featured in a 2017 Article by Axios Charlotte (then called The Charlotte Agenda) as one of the most powerful (lol) startups in town. Pretty cool!

Open EdX, Slack, and Intercom

(My talk starts at 5 minutes and 43 seconds into the video)

From Open EdX Conf 2016, this is a lightning talk I gave on our strategy for student support at Gymnasium, while I served as Technical Director there.

Your App is Ugly

Title slide from the presentation which accompanied this talk

A rehash of a talk on the basics of design and aesthetics, covering color theory, swiss design, and some of the historical roots of modern design.

Authored with Andrew Miller, Jeremy Osborn, and Leah Cunningham

Slides are available on SlideShare

Gymnasium - Building the plane while flying it

(My part starts at 13m47s, but you should watch the whole thing!)

This is a talk I gave during Open Edx Conf 2016 with my colleagues, comrades, and brothers in arms Andrew Miller and Jeremy Osborn, talking about how we built Gymnasium while actively experimenting with formulas for an effective MOOC.

Designing Windows 8.1 apps, from the ground up

This is a talk I gave at Blend Conf in Charlotte, NC USA in 2013, when I was working for Microsoft as a UX Designer. If you're interested in learning how to design apps for a version of Windows that came out in 2012, this is your day!

Slides are available on Slideshare

More great resources

Articles for developersArticles for JavaScript developersArticles about CSSArticles about User Experience (UX)Articles about tools I useArticles about productivityArticles about Gatsby
© 2019-2021 Mike Bifulco
Built with Next. Source code on GitHub.
Disclaimer: 👋🏽 Hi there. I work as a Developer Advocate at Google. Content on this site contains my own opinions, and does not necessarily reflect the views of my employer.